List Backup Of Datafile is a process of taking a backup of all the files in a specified directory and its subdirectories. This can be done in a number of ways, the most common of which is using the Linux ‘tar’ command.
The ‘tar’ command can be used to create a tarball (a compressed archive file) of all the files in a directory and its subdirectories. To do this, use the following command:
tar -cvf tarball_file_name.tar directory_name
This will create a tarball file named tarball_file_name.tar in the current directory, containing a copy of all the files in the directory_name directory and its subdirectories.
You can also use the ‘tar’ command to create a tarball of only specific files or directories. To do this, use the following command:
tar -cvf tarball_file_name.tar directory_name/file_or_directory_name
This will create a tarball file named tarball_file_name.tar in the current directory, containing a copy of the file_or_directory_name file or directory from the directory_name directory and its subdirectories.
You can also use the ‘tar’ command to create a tarball of only specific files. To do this, use the following command:
tar -cvf tarball_file_name.tar directory_name/file_or_directory_name@file_or_directory_name
This will create a tarball file named tarball_file_name.tar in the current directory, containing a copy of the file_or_directory_name file or directory from the directory_name directory and its subdirectories, but excluding the file or directory at the end of the command.
How do I list all backups in RMAN?
To list all backups in RMAN, you can use the LIST BACKUP command. This command will display all backups that are currently stored in the RMAN repository. You can use the FILTER clause to specify which backups you want to see, or you can use the ALL keyword to see all backups.
The LIST BACKUP command also allows you to view information about each backup, including the date and time that the backup was created, the size of the backup, and the backup type. You can also use the command to view the contents of a backup.
How do I list obsolete backup in RMAN?
RMAN can be used to list the backups that are no longer needed. The following command can be used to list the backups that are no longer needed:
This command will list the backups that are no longer needed for the database.
How do I view an RMAN backup?
An RMAN backup is a copy of a database or tablespace that is created by using the RMAN utility. This copy can be used to restore the database or tablespace if it is damaged or lost. You can view the contents of an RMAN backup by using the LIST command.
The LIST command displays the files that are included in the backup and the status of each file. The status of a file can be one of the following:
OPEN – The file is open and can be used.
CLOSED – The file is closed and cannot be used.
UNAVAILABLE – The file is not available.
To view the contents of an RMAN backup, use the following syntax:
LIST backup_name [fileset_name]
Where backup_name is the name of the backup and fileset_name is the name of the fileset.
For example, the following command lists the contents of the backup named my_backup:
LIST my_backup
The following output is displayed:
RMAN> LIST my_backup
List of Backup Sets
BS Key Type Start End Seq#
——- —- ——— ——– —————
1 FULL 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 1
2 FULL 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 2
3 FULL 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 3
4 FULL 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 4
5 FULL 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 5
6 BACKUP 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 6
7 BACKUP 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 7
8 BACKUP 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 8
9 BACKUP 00-JUL-11 00-JUL-11 9
List of Datafiles
File Status ve_id
What does crosscheck Archivelog all do?
What does crosscheck Archivelog all do?
Oracle’s crosscheck Archivelog all utility is used to identify the archived logs that are needed for a specific database instance and to copy the logs to the appropriate destination. The utility copies all of the archived logs that are needed, regardless of whether they are currently online or not.
The utility is run from the command line and requires the following parameters:
The db_unique_name parameter is the name of the database instance for which the logs are being copied. The destination_path parameter is the path to the directory where the logs will be copied. The log_archive_start_date and log_archive_end_date parameters are the start and end dates for the logs that are being copied.
The crosscheck Archivelog all utility is typically used when a database needs to be recovered to a specific point in time. The logs that are needed for the recovery are identified and copied to the destination directory. This allows the database to be recovered without having to locate and copy the logs manually.
Where are RMAN backups stored?
Oracle RMAN backups are stored in a backup destination, which can be a directory on the local filesystem, a directory on a network filesystem, or a specific backup device such as a tape drive or disk drive. By default, RMAN backups are stored in the same directory as the Oracle database. If you specify a backup destination when you create a backup, RMAN will store the backups in that location.
You can use the RMAN LIST BACKUP DESTINATION command to display the current backup destination. The following output shows the RMAN backup destination for a database named mydb:
List of Backup Destinations
Destination Type Status
—————————— ————— ———
/home/oracle/mydb_backup BACKUP COMPLETE
If you want to change the backup destination, you can use the RMAN SET BACKUP DESTINATION command. The following output shows how to change the backup destination to a directory on a network filesystem:
2> TO ‘/net/backup/mydb_backup’;
The RMAN BACKUP command always writes backups to the current backup destination. If you want to write backups to a different backup destination, you must use the RMAN SET BACKUP DESTINATION command to change the backup destination.
You can also use the RMAN CHECKPOINT command to write backups to a different backup destination. The following output shows how to write backups to a specific backup device:
2> TO ‘/net/backup/mydb_backup’;
Where is RMAN backup in Oracle?
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Manager (RMAN) is a powerful tool used for backing up and recovering Oracle databases. It can be used to create backups of an entire database, or specific data files and tablespaces. RMAN can also be used to automate the backup process, and to restore databases in the event of a disaster.
RMAN backups are stored in a directory called RMAN repository. This directory is created when you first run RMAN, and it is located in the same directory as the database being backed up. The repository can be on a local or network drive, and it can be used to store backups of multiple databases.
When you run a backup using RMAN, the backup files are stored in the repository in a subdirectory called BACKUP. The name of the subdirectory is based on the date and time the backup was created. For example, the subdirectory for a backup created on January 1, 2019 at 10:00 PM would be called 2019-01-01_10-00-00.
You can browse the contents of the RMAN repository using the RMAN command LIST BACKUP. This command displays the name and location of each backup file in the repository, as well as the date and time it was created.
If you need to restore a database, you can use the RMAN command RESTORE. This command restores a database from a backup stored in the RMAN repository. You can also use the RESTORE command to restore individual data files and tablespaces.
The RMAN repository is an important part of your database backup and recovery strategy. Make sure you understand where it is located and how to use it.
How do I know if my backup is obsolete?
There is no one definitive answer to the question of how to know if your backup is obsolete. However, there are a few things to consider that may help you to make that determination.
One factor to consider is how often your data changes. If your data changes frequently, then you may need to backup more often in order to ensure that you have the most recent version of your data. Another factor to consider is how much data you have. If you have a lot of data, then it may take longer to backup and it may be more difficult to keep track of which backups are the most recent.
Another thing to consider is how much data you can afford to lose. If you have critical data that you cannot afford to lose, then you may need to take more steps to ensure that your data is backed up properly. One way to do this is to have multiple backups, so that if one backup is lost, you still have others to fall back on.
Finally, you can also use software to help you determine whether your backup is obsolete. There are a number of different programs available that can help you to monitor your backups and ensure that they are up to date.
Ultimately, the best way to know if your backup is obsolete is to evaluate how often your data changes and how much data you have. If your data changes frequently or you have a lot of data, then you may need to backup more often or take additional steps to ensure that your data is backed up properly.