iCloudBackup switch turned

How To Get Backup On New iPhone

How To Get Backup On New iPhone :

A new iPhone can be a daunting investment, so it’s important to take precautions and protect your data in case of theft or accidental damage. One way to do this is by making a backup of your device. Here we will show you how to get backup on new iPhone.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have an iCloudaccount. iCloudis Apple’s cloud-based storage service, and it …

iCloudBackup Not Compatible

Apple’s iCloudbackup service is a great way to keep your data safe if you ever lose your phone or have it stolen. However, there have been some reports that iCloudbackup may not be compatible with some devices.

One issue that has been reported is that iCloudbackup may not be compatible with devices that are running older versions of iOS. If you are using an older device, you may want to check to make sure that your iCloudbackup is enabled.

Another …