specific files folders

Windows 10 Full Backup And Restore

Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system developed and released by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. It was released on July 29, 2015.

A full backup is a complete backup of all the data on a computer. This means that every file on the computer will be copied, even if it has not been changed since the last backup.

A full backup is often done as a first step in creating a backup …

Does Time Machine Backup Partitions

There are a lot of questions about whether Time Machine backups include partitions. The answer is a little complicated.

First of all, Time Machine backups are not just for individual files. They also include entire disk images. This means that if you have a partition on your drive that you don’t want backed up, you need to exclude it from the backup.

There are a few ways to do this. The first is to go into System Preferences and select …

Best Msp Backup Solution

It is no secret that managed service providers (MSPs) need to have a reliable and robust backup solution in place. After all, if something happens to their clients’ data, the MSP could face some serious legal trouble.

Fortunately, there are a number of great backup solutions on the market that MSPs can use. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best options available.

First, let’s take a look at Carbonite. This solution is affordable and …