your Wi-Fi passwords

iCloudBackup Wifi Passwords

iCloudBackup Wifi Passwords

Since the release of iOS 8, Apple has been including the ability to backup your wifi passwords to iCloud. This is a great feature if you have multiple devices that use the same wifi network, as you no longer have to remember the password for each device.

To enable this feature, open the Settings app and tap on iCloud. Scroll down and tap on Password & Security. Toggle on the switch for Wi-Fi passwords.

Now, when you …

Backup Wifi Passwords Android

Most people rely on their smartphones to keep them connected to the internet, even while on the go. This means that if someone wants to access your wifi network, they can do so by simply scanning for available networks and then attempting to connect to the one that has the strongest signal.

To prevent someone from easily accessing your wifi network, you can require them to enter a password before they are able to connect. However, if you happen to …