Google Backup And Sync No Longer Available

Google Backup and Sync, the company’s popular desktop client for syncing files between a computer and Google Drive, is no longer available.

The app, which was announced in July 2017 and replaced the standalone Google Drive and Google Photos desktop apps, was shut down on December 11, 2018. Google has advised users to switch to using the Drive desktop app and the Google Photos desktop app instead.

Google Backup and Sync was designed to make it easy for users to keep their files in sync between their computer and Google Drive. The app provided a single interface for managing files between the two locations, and allowed users to select which folders they wanted to sync.

However, Google has now decided to shut down the app and advises users to switch to using the Drive desktop app and the Google Photos desktop app instead.

The Drive desktop app is the official desktop client for Google Drive, while the Google Photos desktop app is the official desktop client for Google Photos. Both apps provide a similar experience to Google Backup and Sync, with the main difference being that the Drive desktop app supports syncing files between a computer and Google Drive, while the Google Photos desktop app supports syncing files between a computer and Google Photos.

If you’re currently using Google Backup and Sync, we advise you to switch to using the Drive desktop app and the Google Photos desktop app instead. The apps are available for Windows and Mac, and can be downloaded from the links below.

Drive Desktop App:

Google Photos Desktop App:

Why is Backup and Sync no longer available?

Google Backup and Sync is a software application that allows users to back up files and photos from their computer to Google Drive. On July 10, 2018, Google announced that they would be discontinuing the Backup and Sync application and advised users to instead use the Google Drive application.

There are several reasons why Google might have made this decision. One possibility is that the Backup and Sync application was causing too many problems for Google Drive. Another possibility is that Google is planning to merge the Backup and Sync application with the Google Drive application.

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Whatever the reason for the discontinuation of the Backup and Sync application, users who rely on it should take steps to ensure that their files and photos are backed up. One way to do this is to use a different backup application, such as iCloudor DropBox.

Is Google backup and Sync being discontinued?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync tool, which many people use to backup their files.

The tool will be discontinued on June 28, 2019. After that date, it will no longer be possible to download or use the tool.

Google has not given a reason for discontinuing the tool, but it is likely that they are planning to release a new tool that will replace it.

Backup and Sync is a very popular tool, and many people are likely to be affected by its discontinuation. If you are one of those people, you should make sure to backup your files before June 28.

There are a number of other backup tools available, and you should research them to find the one that is best for you.

Google has not announced any plans to discontinue any of their other tools, so you can continue to use them without worry.

Where has Google backup and Sync gone?

Google has announced that it is retiring its Google Drive for Mac/PC desktop app and its Google Photos desktop uploader. The apps will be officially retired on March 12, 2018.

Google Drive for Mac/PC was a desktop app that allowed you to sync files between your computer and Google Drive. The app also allowed you to backup your computer files to Google Drive.

Google Photos desktop uploader was a desktop app that allowed you to automatically upload photos and videos from your computer to Google Photos.

Why is Google retiring these apps?

Google is retiring these apps because it is now focusing on its cloud-based storage and backup products. Google says that the best way to access its cloud-based storage and backup products is through its online interface.

What are Google’s cloud-based storage and backup products?

Google’s cloud-based storage and backup products are Google Drive and Google Photos. Google Drive is a cloud-based storage service that allows you to store files online and access them from anywhere. Google Photos is a cloud-based photo storage service that allows you to store and organise your photos online.

How do I get rid of Backup and Sync no longer available?

How do I get rid of Backup and Sync no longer available?

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If you are experiencing an issue with Backup and Sync no longer being available, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

1. Check to make sure that you are signed in to the correct Google account.

2. Make sure that you have the most recent version of Backup and Sync installed.

3. Close Backup and Sync, and then open it again.

4. Try restarting your computer.

5. If you are still experiencing issues, contact Google support.

What is replacing Google backup and Sync?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

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First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup and Sync app on December 11th, 2018. So what is replacing Google Backup and Sync?

First, let’s take a look at what Google Backup and Sync does. It is an app that allows you to back up your files and photos to Google Drive, as well as sync them between your devices. So what is replacing it?

Google has announced that they are discontinuing their Google Backup

What is the difference between Google Drive and Google backup and Sync?

Google Drive and Google backup and Sync are two different applications that have different purposes.

Google Drive is a cloud-based storage application that allows users to store files in the cloud and access them from anywhere. Google Drive also includes a suite of applications that allow users to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

Google backup and Sync is a desktop application that allows users to backup files and folders from their computer to Google Drive. Google backup and Sync also allows users to sync files and folders between their computer and Google Drive.

Can I still download Backup and Sync?

Yes, you can still download Backup and Sync. It is a desktop app that lets you easily back up your files and photos to Google Drive. You can also use it to sync files and photos between your computer and Google Drive.