Sql Server Backup Exclude Table

Sql Server Backup Exclude Table is used to exclude one or more tables from the backup job. The tables that you exclude will not be backed up. This is useful if you have a large table that you don’t want to backup or if you have a table that is constantly changing and you don’t want to backup the changes.

To exclude a table from the backup job, you use the ExcludeTable parameter. The parameter takes a list of table names as its value. The table names are separated by commas. You can also use wildcard characters. For example, if you want to exclude all the tables that start with the word “account”, you would use the following value for the ExcludeTable parameter:

“account*, invoice*”

The ExcludeTable parameter can be used with the Backup and Restore commands.

The following example shows how to use the ExcludeTable parameter with the Backup command:

EXECUTE master.dbo.sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1


EXECUTE master.dbo.sp_configure ‘backup exclude table’, 1



TO DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.bak’



BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks

TO DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.trn’




TO DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.bak’



BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks

TO DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.trn’



The following example shows how to use the ExcludeTable parameter with the Restore command:


FROM DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.bak’



RESTORE LOG AdventureWorks

FROM DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.trn’




FROM DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.bak’



RESTORE LOG AdventureWorks

FROM DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.trn’



How to take partial backup in SQL Server?

SQL Server offers a variety of options for backing up your data. You can choose to back up all of the data in your database, or you can choose to back up only a portion of the data. In this article, we will discuss how to take a partial backup of a SQL Server database.

To take a partial backup of a SQL Server database, you will need to use the BACKUP DATABASE statement. This statement allows you to specify which data you want to back up. You can choose to back up only the data in a certain table or tables, or you can choose to back up only the data in a certain database.

The syntax for the BACKUP DATABASE statement is as follows:

BACKUP DATABASE { database_name }

TO < backup_device >

WITH < backup_option >

[, < backup_option >]


The < backup_device > parameter specifies the location where the backup will be stored. The < backup_option > parameter specifies the type of backup that will be performed. The available backup options are as follows:

FILE = { ‘path_and_file_name’ }

This option specifies that the backup will be stored in a file. The < path_and_file_name > parameter specifies the location and filename of the backup file.

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DISK = { ‘device_name’ }

This option specifies that the backup will be stored on a disk. The < device_name > parameter specifies the name of the disk where the backup will be stored.

NET = { ‘server_name’ }\[ ‘share_name’ ]

This option specifies that the backup will be stored on a network server. The < server_name > parameter specifies the name of the network server where the backup will be stored. The < share_name > parameter specifies the name of the shared folder where the backup will be stored.

The following example shows how to take a partial backup of the AdventureWorks2012 database using the FILE option:

BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks2012

TO ‘C:\Backups\AdventureWorks2012.bak’

WITH FILE = ‘C:\Backups\AdventureWorks2012_1.bak’

, FILE = ‘C:\Backups\AdventureWorks2012_2.bak’

This example will back up the AdventureWorks2012 database into three files, C:\Backups\AdventureWorks2012_1.bak, C:\Backups\AdventureWorks2012_2.bak, and C:\Backups\AdventureWorks2012_3.bak.

How do I exclude a backup from SQL Server?

There may be times when you do not want to back up a database. For example, you may have a database that is used for development and you do not want to back it up every day. To exclude a database from a backup, use the backup exclude option.

The backup exclude option is a comma-separated list of database names. The following example excludes the development database from the backup.

BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.bak’


If the database name is not specified, all databases except the system databases are excluded.

The following example excludes the system databases from the backup.

BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = ‘C:\AdventureWorks.bak’

EXCLUDEDDATABASES = ‘master, model, msdb, pubs, Northwind’

Can you backup specific tables in SQL Server?

In this article, we will discuss the ability to back up specific tables in SQL Server. As SQL Server administrators, we often need to back up our databases in order to protect our data. However, there are times when we only need to back up specific tables, and not the entire database. In this article, we will discuss how to back up specific tables in SQL Server.

The ability to back up specific tables in SQL Server is a valuable feature that can help us protect our data. In order to back up specific tables, we first need to identify the name of the table that we want to back up. We can then use the BACKUP statement to back up the table. The syntax for the BACKUP statement is as follows:



We can also use the WITH clause to specify a variety of backup options. For example, we can use the WITH NO_LOG option to prevent the backup from being logged. The syntax for the WITH clause is as follows:




We can also use the NORECOVERY option to indicate that the database should not be recovered after the backup is complete. The syntax for the NORECOVERY option is as follows:




We can also use the REWIND option to rewind the tape after the backup is complete. The syntax for the REWIND option is as follows:

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Finally, we can use the VERIFY option to verify the backup. The syntax for the VERIFY option is as follows:




As you can see, the BACKUP statement is fairly complex. However, the syntax is easy to understand once you become familiar with it. Let’s take a closer look at some of the options that are available.

The TO DISK option specifies where the backup should be stored. We can store the backup on a local disk or on a remote server. The DISK keyword is optional, and if we omit it, the backup will be stored in the default location.

The NORECOVERY option indicates that the database should not be recovered after the backup is complete. This option is useful if we want to create a backup that can be used for disaster recovery.

The REWIND option rewinds the tape after the backup is complete. This option is useful if we are backing up to a tape drive.

The VERIFY option verifies the backup. This option is useful if we want to make sure that the backup is complete and accurate.

Now that we have seen some of the options that are available, let’s take a look at an example. Suppose we want to back up the Sales table in the Northwind database. We can use the following syntax to back up the table:


TO DISK C:\Backups\Sales.b

Can you backup a read only database?

A read-only database cannot be modified or updated in any way. However, it can still be backed up and its data can be accessed and used.

There are a few ways to back up a read-only database. One option is to take a backup of the entire database server. Another is to use a third-party tool to back up the read-only database.

It is important to note that a backup of a read-only database will not include any changes that have been made to the data since the last backup. If you need to restore the data to a previous state, you will need to use the last backup that was taken before the changes were made.

What is a differential SQL backup?

A differential backup is a type of backup that saves only the changes made to files since the last full backup. This can be a more efficient way to back up data than a full backup, because it saves time and storage space.

To create a differential SQL backup, you first need to create a full backup of your database. Then, each time you want to create a differential backup, you run the “BACKUP DATABASE” command and specify the “DIFFERENTIAL” option. This will create a backup that includes only the changes made since the last full backup.

differential backups can be useful for quickly restoring only the changes made to your database since the last full backup. However, they can also be more complex to restore than full backups, so be sure to test your restore process before you need to use it.

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What is defined as partial backup?

When it comes to data backup, there are two main types: full and partial. Full backup backs up all the files on a system, while partial backup backs up only specific files or folders. Partial backup is often used when a full backup would take too long or use too much storage space.

Partial backup can be done manually or with automated tools. To do a partial backup manually, you need to know which files or folders you want to back up. You can then copy those files to a backup location.

Automated tools make partial backup easy. They can scan your system for specific files or folders and back them up automatically. This is a great option for people who don’t have time to do a manual backup or for people who have a lot of files to back up.

Partial backup is a great way to back up your data. It’s fast, easy, and doesn’t take up a lot of space. It’s a great option for people who want to back up only a few files or for people who want to back up their data regularly.

How do I backup an existing SQL Server database?

Backing up an existing SQL Server database can be a daunting task if you are not familiar with the process. However, with a little guidance, it can be a fairly straightforward procedure. In this article, we will walk you through the steps necessary to back up a SQL Server database.

Before we get started, it is important to understand that there are two types of backups that can be performed on a SQL Server database: a full backup and a differential backup. A full backup backs up all of the data in the database. A differential backup backs up only the data that has changed since the last full backup.

With that in mind, let’s proceed with the steps necessary to back up a SQL Server database.

The first step is to open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the SQL Server instance that contains the database that you want to back up.

Once you have connected to the server, you will need to select the database that you want to back up. To do this, right-click on the database and select “Properties” from the menu.

When the Properties window opens, select the “Backup” tab.

The next step is to select the type of backup that you want to perform. To do this, select the radio button next to “Full backup” and click the “OK” button.

The next step is to specify the location where you want the backup to be stored. To do this, click the “Browse” button and select the location where you want the backup to be stored.

Once you have specified the location, click the “OK” button.

The final step is to click the “Start” button to start the backup process.

That’s it! You have now successfully backed up a SQL Server database.