Azure Backup Azure

Azure Vm Backup Options

Azure VMs offer a variety of backup options. The first line of defense is the built-in features of Azure Backup. Azure Backup is a cloud-based service that enables you to back up your VMs to the cloud. Azure Backup can also be used to back up other Azure resources, such as Azure Storage and databases. 

Azure Backup Agent is a software agent that you can install on your VMs to back them up to Azure. The agent can back up …

Azure Backup And Disaster Recovery

What is Azure Backup?

Azure Backup is a cloud-based service that enables you to back up your data to Azure. Azure Backup protects your data against accidental deletion, corruption, and ransomware. It also provides you with the ability to restore your data in the event of a disaster.

What is Azure Disaster Recovery?

Azure Disaster Recovery (DR) is a cloud-based service that helps you protect your business-critical applications and data from disasters. Azure DR enables you to quickly and easily …