back starting position

Back Bridge Push Up

The back bridge push up is a simple but challenging exercise that can help to strengthen the chest and back muscles.

To do the back bridge push up, you will need to start in a plank position with your arms extended straight out in front of you and your feet together. Then, bend your elbows and slowly lower your chest towards the floor. Keep your abs pulled in and your back flat. Once your chest is close to the floor, …

Back And Bicep Warm Up

The muscles in your back and biceps can get a good workout when you warm them up before you start your routine. A warm up also helps to prevent injury.

When you are warming up your back, you want to do a little bit of everything. You should do some stretching, some cardio and some weightlifting. For your cardio, you can go for a light jog or a brisk walk. For your stretching, you can do some basic stretches like …