check Server backup

Check Sql Backup Status

Sql Server provides an option to check the backup status of the database. This can be done by querying the sys.dm_database_backup_jobs dynamic management view. This view displays the list of all backup jobs that are currently running or have finished in the past.

The sys.dm_database_backup_jobs view contains the following columns:

– job_id: The ID of the backup job.

– database_name: The name of the database that is being backed up.

– job_type: The type of backup job. This can be …

Check Backup Status In Sql Server

When it comes to protecting our data, backup and disaster recovery is always at the top of our list of concerns. In this article, we will show you how to check the backup status in SQL Server.

The first step is to open SQL Server Management Studio. Once it is open, right-click on the server name in the Object Explorer and select Properties.

This will open the Server Properties window. In the left pane, select the Backup page. The first …