help protect your data

G Suite Backup And Sync

G Suite Backup and Sync is a desktop application that allows you to backup and sync your G Suite data. The application is available for Windows and MacOS.

The application allows you to backup your G Suite data to a local disk or to Google Drive. The application also allows you to synchronize your G Suite data between multiple computers.

The application is easy to use. The interface is simple and user-friendly. The application is also reliable and efficient. It …

Backup Of Ec2 Instance

There are a few different ways to create a backup of your EC2 instance. In this article, we will discuss the two most common methods: creating a snapshot and creating an AMI.

Creating a snapshot is the easiest way to backup your EC2 instance. A snapshot is a point-in-time copy of your EC2 instance that you can use to restore your instance if it is damaged or lost. When you create a snapshot, Amazon EC2 creates a copy of your …

Azure Backup Ransomware Protection

What is ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts data on a computer or network, then demands a ransom payment to release the decryption key.

How can ransomware be stopped?

Ransomware can be stopped with a combination of prevention methods and backup and recovery plans.

What is Azure Backup?

Azure Backup is a Microsoft Azure service that helps protect your data from ransomware and other types of disasters.

How does Azure Backup help protect against ransomware?

Azure Backup …