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How To Backup A Trailer 90 Degrees

Backing a trailer up at a 90-degree angle can be a daunting task, but with some practice it can be easy. Here are a few tips to help you backup a trailer at a 90-degree angle:

1. Make sure your trailer is properly hitched to your vehicle.

2. Use a spotter to help guide you.

3. Signal to your spotter when you are ready to back up.

4. Slowly back up your trailer until it is in the correct position.…

How To Jump Up From Your Back

When you are pinned down on your back and someone is trying to choke you, your instinct may be to try and push them away. This is not the best option. Pushing against the person’s throat will only make it more difficult for you to breathe and could result in them choking you.

A better option is to try and jump up from your back. This will create space between you and the person choking you and will give you …