using iPhone iPad

I Can’t Backup My iPhone

So you’ve just bought a new iPhone, and as you set it up you realize that you can’t backup your old one. What gives?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. A lot of people have this problem, and there are a few reasons why it might be happening.

First, make sure that you’re actually trying to backup your old iPhone. To do this, go to Settings iCloudBackup. If your iPhone is turned off, or if iCloudBackup is turned off, your …

iCloudBackup Won T Work

If you’re having trouble backing up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud, you’re not alone. A lot of people are reporting that iCloudBackup Won’t Work for them.

There are a few things you can try to get iCloudBackup working:

-Make sure you have enough iCloudstorage space. iCloudBackup Won’t Work if you don’t have enough space to store your backup.

-Check your internet connection. iCloudBackup Won’t Work if you don’t have a good internet connection.

-Restart your device and your computer.…

Turn On iCloudBackup From Computer

Almost every Apple device comes with iCloudBackup enabled by default, but there may be times when you want to turn it on or off from your computer. Whether you’re using a desktop or laptop, here’s how to enable iCloudBackup from your computer.

First, open System Preferences on your Mac, or Control Panel on your Windows PC.

Next, click on iCloud.

Now, click on the Backup button.

To turn iCloudBackup on, check the box next to iCloudBackup.

To turn iCloudBackup off, …